and Other Materials Available at Your Library}
{Here are the list of books and other materials and the school libraries were you can find them. More reading materials and school libraries will be added so keep visiting this section. If your school library doesn't carry Christian books we are happy to donate some. Please contact us to the email, mailing address or phone number at the main page. If you cant find it just seek assistance from the librarian. If its lost or damage please notify first the librarian and then contact us. Alternatively, the last resort to be able to read some of this books and reading materials, are available at Good Shepherd Baptist Church Arce Subd., Hilltop Batangas City and Good Shepherd Baptist Mission Reaville Subd., Ayala Ave. San Pascual Batangas. These reading materials are cutting edge, relevant, informative and inspiring that will set your Christian flame ablaze. Please read, copy and share this awesome materials.
BOOKS (updated 11/29/07)
1..More Than A Carpenter by Josh McDowell- Josh thought Christians were idiots on there faith. So he sets out to prove them wrong and plans to write a book that will once and for all disprove the claims of Christianity. But eventually his arguments wouldn't stand the undeniable proofs. Josh accepted Christ. This bestseller book with 10 million in print worldwide lets you read his observations and arguments that will let you consider Christianity arguments wouldn't stand the undeniable proofs. Josh accepted Christ. This bestseller book with 10 million in print worldwide lets you read his observations and arguments that will let you consider Christianity. Available at Batangas Provincial Library, University of Batangas Library, Lyceum of Batangas, Batangas State University Main Library and Lipa City College.
Collapse of Evolution by Scott Huse-
4. Refuting Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati A creationist response to the National Academy of Science. Examines the points raised in the NAS booklet: science and religion; natural selection; bird evolution; astronomy; the age of the earth and more. Available at Batangas Provincial Library and University of Batangas Main Library.
5. One Heartbeat Away, Your Journey Into Eternity by Mark Cahill You were born. You learned to walk and talk. You went to kindergarten and then elementary school. You learned to play sports. You went to junior high and senior high school. You were overly concerned about you grade point average. You got your driver's license. You went to college. You got married. You has some kids. You cheered your favorite sports teams. You retired. You died. Now what? what happens after we take that last breath? Is there something out there after we die? Your life is a journey that will end---sometime and somewhere. Is that all there is? This life and nothing more? What are we even here for? In this book you will find the answers to all these questions, presented in a logical, interesting and straightforward manner. Enjoy! Available at Batangas National High School Library ,Golden Gate College Library, University of Batangas Library, Batangas City College, Lyceum of Batangas, Lipa City College and Batangas State University Main Library.
6. THE DA VINCI CODE: A QUEST FOR ANSWERS by Josh McDowell. From the best-selling author of More than A Carpenter, Evidence that Demands a Verdict and Resurrection Factor comes this book in response to the controversial book The Da Vinci Code. This is not your typical debunking or refuting book. Its written in a easy to read fictional but actual conversations of three friends loaded with facts and well documented arguments against Dan Brown's book. Available at Golden Gate Colleges and University of Batangas.
7. WHY BELIEVE THE BIBLE? by John Blanchard The Bible is the most revered book in the world; it is also the most reviled. Millions of people turn to it everyday to find inspiration and direction for their lives, yet for 2,000 years no other book has been so hated, vilified and attacked. Many of its translators have been persecuted, tortured and murdered and countless copies of their work have been banned or destroyed. Yet for many people the Bible is neither loved or loathed; it is nothing more than an ancient religious document that raises a host of questions. How can we know that the present text is anything like the original? Is it anything more than folklore? How can such an old book be relevant in the twenty-first century? Has science not taken its place as an explanation of the world and our place in it? Here are the answers. Available at Batangas National High School Library, Golden Gate College Library, Batangas State University Main, Lyceum of Batangas Library, Batangas City College, Lipa City College and University of Batangas Main Library.
8. EVOLUTION FACT OR FICTION? by John Blanchard. The theory of evolution has been called " the most powerful and the most comprehensive idea that has ever arisen on earth." It has been so passionately argued and so heavenly promoted in the mass media that millions of people with no scientific expertise assume it must be true. Evolutionism says that life on earth began by chance in some kind of chemical soup, and claims that Homo sapiens is the latest product of a vast sequence of species that led from the first living cell through invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles birds furry quadrupeds and ape like mammals, What is the evidence for this fascinating scenario? Can we prove that life begin in this way? What are the odds against such a thing happening? Has archaeology found clear links between all species without limitation? Can we really show that all life forms owe their distinct existence to random unplanned accidental genetic changes? Or is there another explanation? Available at Batangas National High School Library, Batangas City College, Lyceum of Batangas Library, Golden Gate College Library, Lipa City College, Batangas State University Main and University of Batangas Main Library.
Dear Catholic Friend by Dr. John R. Rice is a detailed letter written in love by Dr. Rice to an earnest Catholic man who repeatedly argued in favor of the Catholic Church. Available at Lyceum of Batangas Library
SERMON FROM A CATHOLIC BIBLE BY DR. JOHN R. RICE What the Catholic Bible says about the Roman Catholic doctrines and traditions like the Virgin Mary, Infallible Pope, Priesthood, Mass, Catholic Saints and How to Be Saved, according to the Catholic Bible. A Bible sermon of interest to Catholics and Protestants alike without offense to either. Available in Batangas State University Main Library.
THE TONGUES CONFUSION BY DR. CURTIS HUTSON Speaking in Tongues--- what does it mean? What does the Bible have to say about it? The modern day tongues movement is sweeping the country, leaving in its wake many confused Christians. It is found in large churches, small churches and in many denominations. Dr. Curtis Hutson takes the light of God's Word and focuses it on this issue so that Christians may have a scriptural answer to the tongues confusion. Available in Batangas State University Main Library and Lyceum of Batangas Library.
UNMASKING THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT BY DR. CLARENCE SEXTON. There is a world view, a philosophy, called the New Age Movement, that has infiltrated many areas of our life. Leaders from all walks of life are becoming part of this movement which has become the fastest growing religion in the world. The New Age Movement wears many mask. Organization, businesses, individuals, even Christians, have been deceived by this old religion masquerading as a new philosophy. Here Dr. Clarence Sexton exposes New Age influences in our schools, churches, and homes, clearly explaining Biblical responses to the popular lies. With these powerful truths in mind, you will be better equipped for the task of Unmasking the New Age Movement. Available at Batangas State University Main Library and Lyceum Of Batangas Library
SPEAKING IN TONGUES BY DR. JOHN R. RICE. Does the "tongues" issue confuse you? Do those who speak in tongues try to make you feel inferior as a Christian? Do you have friends that are misinformed about this important subject? This booklet will give you important answers that you need. Speaking in Tongues looks at several of the instances where tongues were used in Scriptures. Dr. Rice explains the use of tongues in the New Testament and boldly compares that usage to the "tongues" we see today. Available at Lyceum Of Batangas Library.
STONES AND BONES Powerful Evince Against Evolution BY DR. CARL WIELAND. "This is the best brief (though extremely wide-ranging) overview of the main arguments for creation and against evolution I know of Easy to understand for virtually everyone, it nevertheless has sufficient depth to be suitable for the university graduate. Use it widely as a groundbreaking introduction in challenging your friends and neighbors to consider the true facts of this most vitally important of issues"-- Ken Ham, Answers In Genesis. Available at Lyceum of Batangas Library.
God placed our first parents in the Garden of Eden, He commanded them to have
dominion over the creation that He had made. This is a great privilege, but it
also carries great responsibility. How can we honor the Creator in our
relationship to His creation? This study in faithful stewardship offers helpful
Do fossils give evidence for an earth that’s been around for millions of
years? Could a catastrophic flood have thrown off the conclusions of science?
Where do dinosaurs fit in the biblical account of creation? People who agree in
their desire to find the intended meaning of the first chapters of Genesis have
come up with different answers to these questions. The resulting controversy has
polarized those who are equally sincere in their desire to honestly interpret
the Bible and the geological record. This booklet was written to help Christians
respect one another in their differences, while affirming together that the
Genesis account of creation is true.
In The Beginning...SOUP? by Thomas Heinze
You have probably been taught that life began in the "soup" of early oceans. Is that true? Or do your teachers cling to this theory by faith because they reject the concept of a Creator? This powerful little booklet present the unbiased scientific evidence you need to answer this question, proving that we are the product of a Creator, not a chemical accident. Available at Batangas Provincial Library, University of Batangas Main Library, Lipa City College and Golden Gate Colleges Library.
there a distinction worth making? Or is it only a matter of terms? Should we be
encouraged that one opinion poll found that 85 percent of Americans consider
themselves somewhat or very religious? Should we take a second look in light of
the fact that in Jesus' day He was hated by conservative religionists?
booklet is written with the conviction that there is a fundamental difference
between Christ and religion, and that a study of the Pharisees of Christ's day
can give us insight not only into this difference but also into ourselves
MEET WITH GOD SERIES- weekly devotional booklets that will inspire and help you
grow spiritually