{Have You received a tract, Bracelet, booklet or CD from Us?}
{I hope you enjoy the gift we gave you and may it be a reminder that we have told you some eternal truth that will impact you 150 years from now. Please feel free to contact us if you want more information.
Although its great to received such gifts it will be more wonderful and more lasting is that you do something about it. Have you received the greatest gift? The gift of eternal life from Jesus. That gift is all yours for the taking and it will be the greatest decision you will ever do in this life time. Think about, you'll be spending with God forever and He will provide all the things He promise. That's the coolest thing in the world.
If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior let us encourage and help you walk with Him in this short life till we meet Him face to face:
1. Pray-talk to God every day. we have access to Him because He is our Heavenly Father and we are His sons.
2. Read your Basic Information Before Leaving Earth: the KJV Bible. In prayer we talk to God but this time He talks to us from His Word. You can start by reading John's Gospel and letters, Romans, Galatians then Proverbs in the Old Testament.
3.Fellowship and worhip God with other Christians by going to a Bible-believing church that honors God's Word and believes in salvation by grace thru faith. Good Shepherd Baptist Mission located at Reaville Subd., Ayala Ave San Pascual Batangas is open for you and your welcome to be a part of our spiritual family. We have mothers, teens and kids plenty for you to be friends. Just email, text, call or visit us. We will received you and your family and friends warmly.
4. Share the Good News (Gospel). It wouldn't be a good news if its not worth sharing. How? By using tracts, booklets, bracelet or CD (available from us) and your testimony (how you came to Christ). Learn how to witness by clicking to this website "Juan on Juan: Pinoy witnessing 101"}